Bihar School of Yoga (BSY)
BSY Main Building
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Swami Niranjananada Saraswati
From morning 4 am to 9 pm it is of busy schedule of different training activities, the presence in the Ashram itself is a spiritual training. The main building representing Shat Chakras of Psychic body was constructed on the place where king Karna (of Mahabharatha fame used to meditate). Near the Ashram the sacred river Ganga flows in a half circle way. It is a beautiful panoramic view.
Myself with yoga classmates, Yoga & yoga Nidra teachers and
Swami Niranjananada Saraswati
Asanas class, Pranayama class, Karma Yoga period, Yoga Nidra class, Bhakthi & Bhajan periods were regular. The highlight of the course was Satsang with Swami Niranjananada. He used to answer seekers queries with clarity and simplicity. I think on every Saterday evening we used to have group prayer for the health and well being of suffering people (after reading their names) then chanting Maha Mruthunjaya Mantra for 108 times ending with Shanti Mantras. Oh! It was a tremendous spiritual training.
We will remember those sacred & spiritual days with reverence throughout this life. We are indebted to many including the Divinity for such an opportunity.
During my training one important spiritual event - Maha Shivarathri, the festival of Lord Shiva took place. An Yagna was conducted in the ashram and all the inmates actively participated. It is an event once in a life time for many.
During Karma Yoga someone with a song
I welcome the views and opinions of those visited this Ashram or trained there or taught yoga (as comments on this blog).
more later,
Dr. R. S. Eswar Reddy.